Grounding Statements

Our Philosophy

Authentic, resonant, deeply personal connection is the lifeblood of our work.
It’s how we relate to each other and to our clients. It’s the lens through which we build strategy and the fuel that powers our project execution. We believe humanity creates goodness, repairs brokenness and ameliorates suffering only when we truly see one another, only when we truly connect.

Our formula

Authentic connection
Ingenuity to do breakthrough work in any industry
Acuity to plan for what’s next
Wildly successful outcomes for our clients
(and, hopefully, a better world)

Our Commitment

We believe that making life better for our fellow humans is a requirement for existence. It’s what we owe each other. Trying to fulfill our part means we’re committed to truly seeing and connecting people around the world and in our communities – then listening, learning and acting – especially where injustice exists and when our fellow humans are marginalized and suffering.

Some of our work is behind the scenes, in our homes and communities. And some of our work is more public. Here are a few of the groups we’ve donated to, and some trusted partners who are breaking through barriers, sharing vital information and doing incredible work.

Please take a look and consider engaging with any of them or other groups in your community who are committed to fighting injustice and alleviating suffering for our fellow human beings. Together, we can do our part to ensure people are freer, happier and more cared for.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

– Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Holiday Phillips, a Black social philosopher, meditation teacher, organizational consultant and coach has graciously allowed us to link to her important article on allyship and steps towards anti-racism. Read her work, follow her on Instagram, or engage with her expertise personally.

BIPOC-run + women led organizations we give to

Female, BIPOC-owned businesses you can hire right now:

Branding, Personal and
Family Photography
Social Media
SEO Copywriting